The stork and the crab: a poem

This week I got a homework that was slightly different. We had to read a Panchatantra story and turn it into a poem. The first story I read was about the stork and the crab. It was good and so, I decided to use it for my homework. Here is what I wrote. There once … Continue reading The stork and the crab: a poem

A Pariah Kite comes visiting

Look who came visiting us today. We found this Kite (Pariah Kite, as WildlifeSOS identified it in a tweet) sitting on our balcony today morning! It was too foggy for a February morning. Visibility was nearly zero in many places in Gurgaon, but our place was better off, though it was not sunny. Since I … Continue reading A Pariah Kite comes visiting

How careless tourists could end up killing animals

These photos were taken inside the Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary this season. At the sanctuary, there are notices urging you not to carry food items inside and not to litter the place. Still some one had taken this bottle of juice inside and thrown it away after use. The empty bottleĀ  was lying by the side … Continue reading How careless tourists could end up killing animals