Why India does not have many successful consumer apps or the 8 rules of product success in the app world

One of the successes of the Covid19 lock down has been Zoom. Despite vulnerabilities, the video calling service has done well for itself. This has led to a very interesting question on social media. Why don't we have similarly popular Indian apps? In this piece I analyze what makes an app or service successful. Also, … Continue reading Why India does not have many successful consumer apps or the 8 rules of product success in the app world

How Covid-19 is changing the global power equations

Covid-19 is unlike any other occurrence in living memory. Previous diseases, earthquakes or tsunamis were limited in their impact. There were the countries that were affected and the countries that could help. Covid-19, on the other hand has had the entire world impacted. And with the full impact yet to be known, no country can … Continue reading How Covid-19 is changing the global power equations