What makes some states better at school education? The tipping point in Indian school education

Some states perform better at educating their children than others. That is a known fact. And many a thesis has been written about what are the factors contributing to this state of affairs. But is there a single, simple variable that can largely explain this variation in quality of education and the % of eligible … Continue reading What makes some states better at school education? The tipping point in Indian school education

Shah Jahan’s fourteenth child

Everyone knows that the Taj Mahal was built as the Mausoleum of Mumtaz Mahal (born Arjumand Banu Begum) by Shah Jehan. Everyone also knows that Mumtaz died giving birth to their fourteenth child. Who was this fourteenth child? Was it a boy or a girl? What happened to him or her? Nothing much is known … Continue reading Shah Jahan’s fourteenth child