Fossils for sale

A small sampling of the fossils on sale, near the Gadisar lake, Jaisalmer. The seller, an old man with a lot of wares (including these fossils) on display was not particularly amenable to my photographing them. So, I had to literally take a shot and scoot. These were the lowest in the value chain, the … Continue reading Fossils for sale

Bhelpuri wala on the Ganges aka entrepreneurs at the bottom of the pyramid

This photo was taken at Shivpuri, a popular river rafting landing spot on the Ganges, near Rishikesh - a solitary Bhelpuri seller peddling his wares on the banks of the holy river. You will meet people like him all across India. Possibly, you (and me) will not give them a second glance. At worst, we … Continue reading Bhelpuri wala on the Ganges aka entrepreneurs at the bottom of the pyramid