Raneh Falls, a breathtaking canyon near Khajuraho

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People have waxed poetic about the temples of Khajuraho, but have mostly kept quiet about the grandeur that is Raneh falls, 20 km away from Khajuraho. The falls is a canyon carved out of multi-hued crystalline granite by the Ken river. Apparently, a volcano existed here, according top the local guides, and one can still see the bottomless pool that was the crater, now filled with water.

This site is a must visit in the evening when the setting sun creates a multi-hued kaleidoscope of a land scape.  these pictures were taken in December.

The guides say that the rainy season is an altogether different story with a million waterfalls of all sizes sprouting in between the sharp rocks.

Note to self: Must visit again during the rainy season

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